News > Manufacturing Food Futures Conference 2016, EPSRC CIM in Food
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Dates of Event
23rd March 2016 – 24th March 2016
Last Booking Date for this Event
21st March 2016
Link to Loughborough University news item.
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Food - Annual Conference 2016
Accommodation can be booked direct at, or by calling the reservations department -01509 633033 for a special discounted rate: £79.00 pp in the Executive Double for sole occupancy, bed and breakfast at Burleigh Court, quoting reservation number 243782, or £68.00 pp in a Double for sole occupancy, bed and breakfast at The Link Hotel, quotinig reservation number 243783.
Conference Agenda- Day 1 Wednesday 23rd March 2016 0930 Registration 1000 Welcome- Prof Tim Foster, Centre Director 1010 Opening Remarks - Prof Ian Noble, PepsiCo 1030-1210 Session 1: Upgrading of Ingredients- Chair Dr David Gray 1030-1110 Plenary- Ross Campbell, Cyber Colloids 1110-1130 Duoduo Wang- Modulation of tomato fruit texture 1130-1150 Dr Vincenzo di Bari- Rice bran wax for structuring edible oils 1150-1210 Simone De Chirico- Extraction and characterization of intact Oil Bodies from Rapeseed 1210-1310 POSTER SESSION WITH LUNCH 1310-1450 Session 2: Eco manufacturing of Food-Chair Dr Patrick Webb 1310-1330 Plenary- Rod White, Molson Coors 1330-1350 Plenary- Ian Sterrit, Martec 1350-1410 Guillermo Garcia-Garcia Sustainable waste management in the food industry 1410-1430 Aicha Jellil Minimising Consumer Food Waste 1430-1450 Dr Patrick Webb Modelling, monitoring and management of water consumption in food manufacture 1450-1510 POSTER SESSION WITH REFRESHMENTS 1510- 1650 Session 3: New Processing Technologies-Chair Dr Tom Mills 1510-1550 Plenary- Maarten Stolk, Feyecon 1550-1610 Dr Ian Hamilton - Dehydration of Hydrocolloids for Distributed Manufacturing 1610-1630 Dr Aditya Nayak – Engineered Ayurvedic Pickering Particles 1630-1650 Mattia Cassanelli – Drying techniques in the food industry 1700-1830 KTN Facilitated Workshop: Setting the Research Agenda with RCUK 1900 Drinks Reception, sponsored by Food Matters Live 1930 Dinner, Burleigh Court Conference Agenda- Day 2 Thursday 24th March 2016 0800 PASTRIES AND POSTERS 0900-1040 Session 4: Manufacturing for healthy diets and lifestyles - Chair Dr Bettina Wolf 0900-0940 Plenary- Mark Driscoll, Forum of the Future 0940-1000 Dr Joanne Gould- Materials and Processes to Engineer Healthier Indulgence 1000-1020 Michelle Neville- Healthier Meat Products for the Future 1020-1040 Sonia Holland- Cellulose as an edible ingredient for 3D Printing 1040-1100 POSTERS WITH REFRESHMENTS 1100-1240 Session 5: New Flexible Manufacturing - Chair Dr Fotios Spyropoulos 1100-1140 Keith Thornhill- Head of Food and Beverage, Siemens 1140-1200 Panos Arkoumanis – Membrane emulsification for production of o/w food-grade emulsions 1200-1220 Dr Yadira Gonzalez Espinosa -Complex stabilised emulsions: Effect of processing 1220-1240 Gladness Manecka -Formulation of redispersible freeze-dried emulsions 1240-1340 POSTERS WITH LUNCH 1340-1520 Session 6: Sustainable Supply Chains - Chair Dr Elliot Woolley 1340-1420 Plenary TBC 1420-1440 Sandeep Jagtap – Sustainable food supply chain management 1440-1500 Jamie Stone The ingredients of a resilient food system 1500-1520 Pedro Gimenez Distributed and Localised Manufacture of Food Products 1530 Conference close