News > Digital Technologies for Improving Productivity in Food Manufacturing

DESCRIPTION: The rapid growth of digital technologies has made a significant impact on modern manufacturing, including the food sector. The Centre for SMART in collaboration with Internet of Food Things (IoFT) Network Plus brings together multi-disciplinary R&D teams to share best practices for incorporationg and capitalising on such technologies and to establish a policy platform for progressing towards a more sustainable, resilient and productive UK food supply chain.
PURPOSE: Attendees will be able to engage with senior industrialists, policy makers, and technology providers to discuss successes and barriers in taking advantage of new opportunities brought forward by the advent of the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0) within the food manufacturing industry; and to learn about new tools that are helping companies become more financially competitive. Attendees will also participate in an open discussion to enable the successful implementation of modern advanced digitalised tools in food manufacturing.
OUTCOME: To generate a summary document that highlights the identified benefits and opportunities as well as barriers to the use of modern digital technologies; in support of smart resource-efficient production, in buildng resilient business models across the food supply chain, and in incorporating consumer requirements and/or demands in future food product developments.
The full presentation is available here and the resulting Briefing Document is available here.