News > 2nd Prize for SMART researchers at FoodWasteNet Early Career Scientist Competition

Jamie Stone (pictured on the right) has a lot to smile about.
The FoodWasteNet workshop Processing technologies for the recovery of added value components from food processing waste held at the University of Reading from 16th - 17th July examined current and emerging technologies for exploiting post-harvest and food processing waste, with a focus on extraction and separation of added-value products with viable market opportunities.
The two main themes of the event were:
- Current waste treatment practices by the UK agricultural and food industry, environmental sustainability, and options for food processing waste valorisation.
- Extraction and recovery of high added-value compounds from post-harvest and food processing waste
Early-career scientists were encouraged to submit abstracts for entry to the FoodWasteNet Early-career Scientist Competition. Five abstracts were selected for oral presentation on 16 July.
Of these five, SMART researcher Jamie Stone presented both his work and that of SMART researcher Guillermo Garcia-Garcia titled 'Sustainable food manufacturing: a dual approach looking at resilience and waste'. This presentation was well-received and earned 2nd Prize. Many congratulations to Jamie and Guillermo!